Don't have the time to advocate? You can still help!
Option 1: You can send monetary donations directly via PayPal
Option 2: You can mail your monetary tax deductible donation to:
PO Box 330702
Nashville, TN 37203-7541
Option 3: Without any money coming directly out of your pocket, you can still support EARS by picking EARS as your charity of choice for the following programs when you shop!
Log in to your Kroger on-line account,
Register your Kroger Plus Card,
In your account information, enroll in Community Rewards, and pick your Community Rewards charity, (we are listed as Emergency Awareness & Readiness Service Deaf & HOH, #79766)
Now EARS will get rewarded every time you shop!
Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to EARS.​
This is the same Amazon, you just need to start your shopping at smile.amazon.com
Once logged in to your Amazon account, (at the smile.amazon.com website) make sure you pick the charity you support. (we are listed as Emergency Awareness & Readiness Services for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing.)